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I am really excited about this year’s 31 Days challenge from The Nester. This is my third year participating, and I fully expect it to be the best of the bunch! Third time’s the charm, right? I am sooooo excited because it is a topic that has literally changed our lives around here: Essential Oils. Our overall health is so much improved–oils have helped every member of our household. Even better, our investment into essential oils is savings us a huge chunk of money every single month! During the next 31 days I am going to share with you the ways that we use essential oils to save money, live more naturally, and have happier, healthier lives.

When I first stumbled into essential oils, I wasn’t sure I believed much of the hype. Honestly, I still tend to be a bit of a skeptic. I am willing to try things, but my expectations are low. The crazy thing is that almost every time I pick up a bottle of essential oil, it WORKS! I use Young Living essential oils, which are 100% natural and unadulterated. While not everything natural is safe for you, I have found that Young Living is a brand I can trust to use care with my family, and treat many of our day to day issues with safe, natural oils. Where I used to read about herbs and tinctures and compounds, I now use essential oils. At least a dozen times a day, instead of reaching for toxic chemical cleaning products or some form of medicine, we now reach for essential oils. And they WORK–so much better than anything we have ever tried!

Every day I will come back here and add a new post, sharing the things I have tried and learned over the past year with essential oils. Check back here every day for new posts. I also have several other resources, if you are wanting to learn more about essential oils. You can sign up for my free 14 day ecourse, over at the top right hand side of the page. Or join my Naturally Frugal Essential Oil group, where lots of people ask questions, share testimonies and things that we have tried.


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