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Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

We lost one of our guinea pigs last night. Sherlock died of something called vestibular disease. Before we could get him to a vet, he was gone.  It happened late at night, so I wrapped him up and moved him so we could tell the kids quietly today. It is interesting to...

Thankful for Two Blessings

We’ve been sick around here. A Lot. A whole lot. It started right around Christmas, when my daughter had a sore throat. Since then we’ve had two adults with strep throat; myself and my daughter have had bronchitis bad enough to need inhalers (which neither...
Disney Store Grand Opening

Disney Store Grand Opening

Sometimes I really, really love my job! This morning I walked into magic–Disney magic! The new Disney Store opened at Kenwood Mall this morning and as always, Disney brought plenty of magic! Within seconds I was a little girl again, giggling over Tinkerbelle...

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