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Hanging on to Hope

Hanging on to Hope

I came so so so sososo close to losing my dad yesterday. As in, if he hadn’t already been in a doctor’s office when it happened, he wouldn’t be here anymore close. I…I have trouble fathoming that right now. For the past six or seven days my dad...

The Chaos Monster

I started to write this post two weeks ago. I find that interesting, because as I was contemplating what else to add to it, all hell broke loose in our family. The chaos monster literally made a visit to our home. My husband’s grandmother died the same day mine...

Why Start With the Closet?

I am almost a week into my Simplify your Closet challenge and I am getting a ton of feedback. I honestly have been stunned by how much interest there is in this! I’ve gotten several questions–and a few objections–about how and why I am doing this. I...

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