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Today’s assignment is easy: a photo of my friends. But then, I’m blessed to know so many fabulous people as friends, I’m having trouble choosing just one photo! So here’s a short selection of some of my favorite photos from the past year or two.

A surprise Girls Night Out for my birthday--every single one of these women are very dear to me! Marybeth, Mendy, Marlene, Julie, Diane, Stephanie, Bridget and Trina


My two best friends growing up–love that I’m still close with each of them years later! Bridget (L) and Trina (R)



We met online, but we've become friends in real life--some pretty amazing women in this photo! Love these ladies!


(I’m not sharing their names to protect their privacy–I didn’t warn them that I’d be posting this photo.)

Friends and I at Boogie Nights; From L to R: Jason, Charity, James (my husband), me, Sarah, and Smith

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