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Blissdom 2012: Ready for some Bliss!

Blissdom 2012: Ready for some Bliss!

For the past four years every February I have packed up and headed down to Nashville to find me some bliss: Blissdom, ya’ll! (For the non-blogging amongst us, Blissdom is a women’s blogging conference.) And every year I have found it, each time in a new...
Reclaiming Balance

Reclaiming Balance

  I’ve faced burnout in a BIG way this past year. I was not keeping up with my desire for a healthy work-life balance, and I’d been doing the same thing day in and day out for so long that it had become boring. There’s only so many ways you can...

Stepping Back in to the Ring

I long to blog again. To sit down and have witty and profound things pour from my fingertips. To share with you life experiences and lessons learned. Alas, none of those things happen. Life is happening all around me. We are busy, we are happy, we are successful. Yet...
Taking Offense at Happy Holidays

Taking Offense at Happy Holidays

I’m about to upset and challenge many of my friends and fellow believers. Every year like clockwork I watch social media light up with catchy slogans and news stories about how Christ is being taken out of Christmas. Most of them center on the use of the phrase...

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