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Naturally Frugal: DIY Dry Shampoo

Naturally Frugal: DIY Dry Shampoo

Late last year I was hearing about dry shampoo everywhere I went. It intrigued me, especially as I went through my detox period in my no-shampoo period. I thought I’d look it up and see if it would help me save some time in the mornings. When I did look it up I...
Energy Vampires in Your Home!

Energy Vampires in Your Home!

Did you know you have vampires living in your home? Really, you do! Energy vampires. These are devices that stay plugged in 24/7, draining electricity even while turned off. Energy vampires aren’t specialty gadgets–these are items almost all of us have in...
Amazon Offers Textbook Rentals

Amazon Offers Textbook Rentals

  Looking to simplify the back to school process for your college student and save money? One option might be to rent digital textbooks. Gone are the days of lugging around hundreds of pounds of expensive textbooks that you will sell back for a fraction of the...

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