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I want to apologize for the lack of Proverbs posts this week. I’ve been slacking in that area, and I’ve felt it keenly. Yet I have let it slide for good reason. We’ve had a lot going on around here, all of which involve some pretty big decisions or trade-offs in our lives.

First, my uppermost resolution for 2011 was to restore sanity to my work/life balance. In 2010 I had become comfortable with seven day work weeks; with no real holidays and late hours. I love my job so I’m not complaining. But it took a real toll on my health, my family and my friendships. So in 2011 I’ve had to make hard decisions to leave certain things undone in favor of having a semi-normal life. The idea of stopping work at 6 or 7 pm is a novel concept to me!

In addition, we’ve had quite a bit of issues pop up with both kids in the past eight weeks. My son is severely underweight to the point that hospitalization isn’t out of the question. Plus despite being gifted–or maybe because of it–he has really been struggling with school. We are now seriously weighing the homeschool option for next year–though it is not my first (or second or third) choice. We have had many meetings with the teachers to discuss testing grades vs homework, advanced materials and other common Aspie issues.

My daughter was diagnosed with ADD and mild Dyslexia in December. A couple of weeks ago we discovered she needs glasses for school, and has a condition that I have called Convergence Insufficiency.

We decided ten days ago to redo our bedroom closets, as they were nowhere near sufficient for our needs and were in a constant state of near-disaster, no matter what we did. With my ADHD, that is a really bad thing first thing in the morning. So we pulled everything out, bought new organizers, and ripped out the old racks.

And then I got sick.

Nothing more than an upper respiratory infection, but it caused a lot of vertigo issues. So the pile of contents from both of our closets remains in the living room. That makes getting dressed every day a lot like a scavenger hunt!

Oh, and then in the middle of last week, while the great white death was approaching, our company was sold. I no longer work for Bonneville. I now work for Hubbard. My contract expires in just over thirty days, so this is going to be a very interesting month!

Whew! Are you tired yet? I am! I am looking forward to renewing the Proverbs 365 project. If you are the praying type, I’d appreciate a few prayers for discernment and direction. We have a lot of important decisions in front of us, and we are seeking God’s will and God’s face for them. We’ve jumped off enough cliffs to know if it is what he wants, we will trust Him to catch us.

God bless all of you!

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